The first difference: no fake promises and guarantees in “BREAKTHROUGH” program
Firstly, there are no false guarantees that after my lessons you will stop stuttering in 3 days once and for all. And that’s good because this aspect confuses people about their potential possibilities in their future. For me, a very important, criterion of efficiency is a live and comfortable speech, which you don’t get tired from and you are satisfied with it. Or you always can be neutral with it like all normal people do. It may take a few weeks and it is desirable that you were in touch with the teacher during this period when it is necessary to suggest specific decisions. My approach cannot be compared with the approach of Snezhko and Anna Deeter, who ask to say something to the camera on the 3rd day. Then you’re “healthy” so good-bye to you. In these 3 days not every student immediately gets the same speech as he can watch in the video with Anna Deeter. Yes, some stutterers can get a very good positive dynamics with the help of the “Etalon” course, but not all the stutterers get such a result and, of course, there isn’t 100% lifetime guarantee.
The second difference: some variants of duration of your “BREAKTHROUGH” program
The training program “BREAKTHROUGH” by Aleksandr Degilevich has couple variants of duration: 4 days, 10 days so you can take any duration to practice your skills. Also I have a trial lesson, which is also very helpful for many stutterers. In a couple of days my program gives you fully information about how to learn to speak easily, freely and comfortably just by following simple instructions and practicing it on the level of a habit. Further results cannot be known for exactly 100% and they depend mostly on the student himself. But in these 2-3 days you’ll already get the feeling about your real speech potential. In difference with the “Etalon” course by Anna Deeter, with “BREAKTHROUGH” you can freely choose your own speed of making your speech free and normal. I believe that 3 days are not really enough for deep understanding and consolidation of a new speech skill. The trial lesson lets a person make a so called “test-drive” of a program. We look at your degree of stuttering, find solutions on the spot. Of course, we go through several working methods. You get the needed video and audio if necessary, so there are no limits for you to start speaking freely and as you’ve always wanted to do.
The third difference: you’re being taught by a person who was constantly stuttering for many years
Let me tell you about some moments in the “Etalon” program which I strongly disagree with: so called “harmful” elements which don’t lead to normal and natural speech. Neither Anna Deeter nor Roman Snezhko had been stuttering before they created their “Etalon” course. They have created one of the best and well-planned programs, but they can’t exactly know what a stutterer feels. It’s mostly theory, but it’s not enough to speak freely. For this you need to follow the certain instructions, that correctly make the priorities before speaking and during this process. And for that purpose you need to work hard with the retraining of your consciousness. So that before the speech, no matter what the situation is, you know exactly what to do to get a good speech in the end. It would be strange if, for example, in just 3 days, the stutterer would completely reset all his previous experience and carefree, not following any instructions and recommendations, speak absolutely normally. This cannot happen. Never. That is why I needed to understand the problem of stuttering deeper and find a better way to solve it. My personal experiences and experiments primarily at myself happened after 3 days of lessons at the “Etalon course” with Roman Snezhko and Anna Deeter. My stupors didn’t go away and were occurring very often (like with many other of their students). A vital need to correct my own speech still was a very important activity for me.
The fourth difference: the lower price for “BREAKTHROUGH” program
The price of the training program BREAKTHROUGH ( Basic 4-days course) is 4 times lower than “Etalon” program, where we can watch a tricky advertising company (cheating that all the stutterers will have the 100% elimination from stutter in 3 days with lifetime warranty). In some cases my help to stutterers is more effectively to gain free and natural speech. I can say that my classes are more efficient than Snezhko’s ones. But this can be assessed only on LONG TERM RESULTS of my and his students.
Your real opportunities while taking the “BREAKTHROUGH” program
We learn how to hold without speech stupors in all situations. At the same time how to speak without replacing words. We study all kinds of stress and discomfort. Convenience and comfort in speech – that’s what should be the basis of any method of speech correction with stuttering. It is necessary to start from realizing what results can really be achieved in a short time, then you just work in the right direction, consolidate the skill and develop your speech. Actually, it’s not as hard as you can imagine. When you successfully consolidate several stages and appreciate the benefits of conscious correct speech actions in practice with different people – it becomes even a sorrow that you could not learn it before! You have spent so much time suffering with this problem, repeatedly experiencing feelings of shame and sorrow, from the fact that no one can help you and the solution was so simple and basic. At the result it’s really hard to believe that “IT” could have ruined your life so much. So, the purpose, your main activity and the ideal result to live stutter free is to speak as a normal person. Please, don’t look strange at the word “normal”. I genuinely believe that all stutterers are totally NORMAL PEOPLE just like everyone else around them. NOT sick. NOT defective. NOT “morons” and stuff like that. They just don’t follow enough the normal instructions to regard their speech as natural as other people do. The fact that you haven’t reached the results does not mean that you are “fools” (as “academician” Snezhko likes to say). This only means that you do not fully understand how all these “etalon” skills and knowledge can be successfully consolidated in practice. And this perfect result should be seek, achieving new victories on this way and facing many situations. At the finishing point your speech will be absolutely comfortable and hassle-free. I registered the copyright of my method correcting the speech with stuttering. So, even the process of fixing won’t seem to be something difficult, you just talk normally, instantly get the natural speech and then obviously get happy afterwards. You instantly rejoice and later gradually get used to the fact that speech can be regularly done only in a convenient way. Always and everywhere – this is ideal. There could be some delays during training and after because it takes time to reduce their number to a minimum. But this can already be done with pleasure. It will not be necessary to achieve this “hard way” with long and difficult training. First of all, the main thing is to start treating these necessary stops and stammers differently, so that they do not cause panic attacks and feelings of fear as before. Then you start treating them like all normal non-stuttering people.
Our goals and principles
Someone can easily understand how and what he needs to do almost from the first time, but someone reaches it maybe from the tenth time. The patience of the teacher / coach / mentor is more important here. But when you begin to understand all this on your own experience, there the ease and confidence coming into your speech. Then you just know how to speak freely and actually can USE IT. Of course, the specific results of different students may vary. But, if there is a certain proven way when you can overcome stuttering completely – why not to follow it? It’s a kind of work and practice. By doing this you will speak as all normal (not stuttering) people do. I agree with my students here about the effectiveness of my new program “BREAKTHROUGH”. Indeed, there is no need to stand on one place, copying familiar information (for example, strictly 3-day classes and only the information that Snezhko and his coach – Anna Deeter give). I need to go further.
3-day Etalon unblocking course by Anna Deeter is not a perfect program. It could be done much better
“Etalon” is not a perfect program to get rid of stuttering. There are some mistakes in it because of which some students cannot achieve significant results and overcoming fears of speech. It is a good program as a base, but multiple pitfalls can occur in a life of a stutterer later, in a collision with which it’s not always possible to follow the “etalon instructions”. I consider 6000$ (120 000 rubles) as a very expensive fee for such a result after taking the “Etalon” course by Anna Deeter and Roman Snezhko. Then finally, through long searches and observations, I found what I was looking for and began to work productively with this information. The goal was to understand how to work with stuttering people as effectively as possible, so that they could learn how to make comfortable speech in a short time. Without these #3days #onthecamera #withoneperson, but also in many other situations. And that’s how “BREAKTHROUGH” course by Aleksandr Degilevich was born.
Snezhko’s students take my “BREAKTHROUGH” program
I have no purpose to mislead people. I am a supporter of a fair approach, when even with not a short period of time, but you have the opportunity to get a really good dynamics in speech. If you have a desire then you can start living without any stupors in speech with a competent thinking approach. Normal and comfortable speech – it’s so easy! All this can be achieved without reference to the “one and only” Roman Snezhko and Anna Deeter. So, «academician’s» students who have passed the “3-day unblocking for stuttering” course with a different degree of stuttering – do not hesitate to contact us. I know how to help you. You received only a basic 3-day course / school (primary school level) for 6000$ (and Russians pay 120000 rubles). Unfortunately, this Anna Deeter’s “Etalon” program is not enough.
There is always correct attitude to your intermediate results while eliminating stuttering
I understand that sometimes the period of 3 days one by one is not enough for the stutterer. I advise you to take a new 10-day course, which lasts for 2 weeks. Most of the time it is not given to communicate with me, but with other people in different situations. Test (understanding the error) – Knowledge (accurate and clear, WHAT and HOW to do) – Test (result) – Work on errors-Knowledge (new, revision) etc., until you reach the maximum of good speech without any stupors. I work 3 times more. It will cost you 4 times less. You will be more satisfied with the result. The most important thing is to know what to do and how to do it. For now I honestly say that this is only the beginning, but not the “final result”. If anything won’t work, you can consult me at any time. I’m available 24/7. And I won’t scream like R.Snezhko and A.Deeter that “you are guilty”. We will seek the SOLUTION if required. Roman Snezhko and Anna Deeter with their “Live stutter free in only 3 days” would stop at this stage, taking from you 6000$ (120000-150000 rubles for Russians + imposing expensive hotel for 18 thousand rubles) and 10 times pointing to the video about their guarantees. But in real this course is not the ideal program to eliminate stuttering completely with a lifetime warranty. If you took this practice face to face with Snezhko, you would get this 100% positive dynamics with all its warranty. His “3-day Etalon unblocking course” is only about a few provisions about a convenient process of speech formation. The process of speech formation is very convenient, and a strong psychological work is carried while taking his course. But these are not some wonderful activities to get rid of stuttering completely. There is nothing complicated. Sometimes it takes a long time for the student to realize this information not only theoretically, but also practically (independently). At the same time, you inevitably begin to feel the benefit of introducing these elements into your thoughts. And the actual benefit that is felt through the making of a speech without stuttering and stress. No matter which type of the program you choose, in BREAKTHROUGH you get the experience of the most effective and maximum solution of this problem. These are my experience and the experience of plus 100 more stuttering people speaking normal and easily today as like they had never stuttered before.